5 Ways to Satisfy Your Pregnancy Junk Food Cravings

Food cravings during pregnancy is common. Although it is okay to feed this craving, healthy food is super important for you and your baby. Here are a few healthy alternatives to junk food that will keep from excessive weight gain, but still satisfy your taste buds.

Potato chips

You like potato chips because you want something salty and crunchy. Potato chips are usually loaded with unnecessary fried fat, sodium and calories. Here are some options:

Lays making reduced calorie potato chips with 1/3 of fat and calories. Lays potato chips, too, was a product on the market that has been around for a while called Baked Lays! chips. These baked potato provide the same salty treat, but do not have the fat and fat that come with fries.

PopChips are a new brand of potato chips that not fry or bake their chips. By adding a bit of warmth sliced ​​potatoes, thin slices eventually pop, forming Popchips. These chips have several different flavors to satisfy the craving salty and super healthy for you!


Doughnuts are sweet, sweet, and full of simple carbohydrates that are not broken down in the body for energy. Fortunately, there is a wonderful alternative to donuts:

Low-fat strawberry cream cheese on whole grain cinnamon raisin bagel. Although the cream cheese is not the healthiest food in the world, choosing low-fat varieties are much healthier than a plate of sprinkles and frosting! Bagels can also provide one or more servings of whole grains, so that you can get your digestive system up and running. For just a taste of the oiler and warm, pop your bagels in the toaster and spread a layer of cream cheese on the top. Many companies, such as game Oregon Trail, as well as make a variety of sweet breads as an alternative to bagels.


Craving for cookies as donuts, it's your body asking for something sweet. Here are some amazing alternatives that can help you manage and control portion of the calories:

Nabisco and other companies 100 calorie snack packs. These small packages of sweetness provide a lower calorie alternative to the company's cookies! So you know you're not going to miss the taste of what you crave, and you have some control. Allowing yourself to a minimum, controlled part of something sweet, you're less likely to spend the night eating packages Oreos.


Soda is not healthy for you or your unborn Chile, especially with all the empty calories and caffeine. Alternatives:

Drink fruit juices. Be careful with fruit juices, though - make sure that you are buying or unsweetened or lightly sweetened juice.

Carbonated Flavored Water is also a great way to go. There are many wonderful flavors and carbonation there just might do the trick!

Ice cream

Most often, the typical image of a pregnant woman sitting on the couch eating ice cream tubs. If you want something soft and sweet that can melt in your mouth, try these alternatives instead:
Frozen yogurt yogurt still! He has a dairy and calcium your body needs in order to give your unborn baby healthy bones and that it satisfies the craving ice cream with great pleasure.
Sorbet is also an alternative to ice cream, but be careful consumption. Most sorbets are high fructose juices that are just frozen. Best of all, frozen yogurt, but if you absolutely need to have an extra hint of sweetness, sorbet is a better alternative.
Just Remember
Healthy eating does not have to be difficult during pregnancy, and you do not have to avoid the foods you crave. With a healthy alternative, you can provide the nutrition you and your child need to satisfy cravings.